
Are you fully aware of the ‘regulatory compliance’ required by law surrounding the soft FM services your educational establishment operates and delivers?

At WLP we can define and advise on the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern key compliance areas specific to your soft FM services. From this we can then support you in developing a comprehensive compliance strategy tailored to the services offered within your education establishment, specifically catering and cleaning services.

As services change and new Government legislation is introduced, WLP can offer on-going monitoring and auditing that highlights non-compliance and offers strategies to assist in mitigating risks.

The introduction of WLP documented processes and procedures meet with compliance standards protecting consumers and the environment as well as reputation.

Non-compliance can prove costly, especially with financial penalties, court costs, suspension of services, and time to respond to any breach. Therefore, if you would like to know more, please contact us by using the form below.

If you would like to discuss these services in more detail or simply have a question, please do not hesitate in contacting our Head Office or fill in the form below…
